Lay Leadership

“The church is the people.”

That’s the truth. More than any single leader, including the Pastor, the church is the people. Macedonia has some incredible people working to carry out our mission of connecting isolated people with God’s family. There is always room for you to serve and join in God’s mission!

Church Council

Committee chairs for ministries, operations and finance meet jointly to discuss, coordinate and carry out the goals and vision of MUMC. Council normally meets the 2nd Monday of each month.

Lay Leader: Christina Hester (2026)
Council Chair: Lynn McCulloch (2025)
SPRC Chair:  Melissa Johnson (2024)
Finance Chair:  Zach Moore (2025)
Trustee Chair:  Susan Kinsey (2024)
Pastor:  Kevin Johnson
Council Secretary:  Deb Wolford
Worship: Rhonda Harding, Chair
Connect: Jan Stoltz, Chair
Serve: Eloise Sheats, Chair
Go: Cathy Powell – Co-Chair
Go: Mary Margaret Eckhardt – Co-Chair

Administrative Committees

Stewards of property God has entrusted to our church. In consultation with the Pastor, oversees and maintains both the physical property and gifts made to the church so that our ministries can be effective and all legal requirements related to the property are satisfied. Review and update Articles of Incorporation, property, liability, personnel and crime insurance coverage as needed. Ensure accessibility and safety of building and grounds for all people. Normally meet 4th Thursdays of each month.

Susan Kinsey, Chair – (2024)
Reid Evans (2024)
Joe Budd (2024)
Hayley Albrecht (2025)
Heath Evans (2025)
Grace Strucko (2026)
Steve McCulloch (2026)
Kevin Johnson, Pastor – (ex-officio)

Builds a strong positive relationship between staff and congregation. Works with the Pastor and other staff to fulfill legal and ethical responsibilities related to staff. Encourages, strengthens, nurtures, supports, and respects the pastor and staff and their families. Recommends needed staff positions and develops and approves written job descriptions and titles. Recommends compensation, travel, housing, and other financial matters to the church council through the finance committee. Maintains current policies and procedures for hiring, evaluating, promoting, retiring, and dismissing staff members who are not subject to episcopal appointment. Provides annual evaluation of the pastor and other staff for ongoing effective ministry. Normally meets 3rd Wednesday every other month (Feb, April, June, October and December). Only committee closed to others to maintain required confidentiality.

Melissa Johnson, Chair (2024)
Connie Harshman – (2024)
Rhonda Harding (2025)
Megan Jones (2025)
George Madill (2025)
Rebecca Corbin (2026)
Kevin Johnson, Pastor
Christina Hester, Lay Leader

Provides financial oversight of the church’s resources. Manages and distributes the financial resources of the congregation to support and strengthen the mission and ministry of the congregation. Compiles and proposes annual budget. Recommends any changes to the approved annual budget to the church council. Develops and carries out plans to raise enough income to support the budget. Recommends to church council proper depositories for church funds and carries out church council’s directions for administration and disbursement of funds and procedures for church treasurer and financial secretary. Arranges for annual audit of financial records and makes a report of this audit to the charge conference. Finance Committee normally meets the 3rd Wednesday of every other month (Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov).

Zach Moore, Chair (2025)
Michael Corbin (2026)
Kathy Ellington (Treasurer)
Debi Wolford – (Financial Secretary)
Kevin Johnson, Pastor – (ex-officio)
Christina Hester, Lay Leader
Melissa Johnson, SPRC Chair
Susan Kinsey, Trustee Chair

Identifies, develops, deploys, evaluates and monitors Christian spiritual leadership for our church. Guides church council on matters regarding laity in church leadership. Develops a system for becoming familiar with people in the congregation. Works cooperatively with other groups to prepare job descriptions that are adapted to the needs and organizational style of the church. Becomes familiar with the responsibilities for each leadership position and matches potential leaders with opportunities for spiritual leadership. Provides training and support for these individuals. Presents a nomination list to the charge conference for church council chair, committee on pastor (staff) parish relations and its chair, board of trustees, committee on finance (to include chair, financial secretary, and treasurer), lay member to annual conference, and lay leader. Nominations meets as needed and regularly prior to Charge Conference.

Kevin Johnson, Pastor (Chair)
Sharon Albrecht (2025)
Evelyn Caldwell (2025)
Karlene Brown (2026)
Christina Hester, Lay Leader

Ministry Teams

Coordinates the worshiping life of Macedonia, mostly for Sunday morning services and special seasonal services.

Rhonda Harding, Chair
Music – Darrick King
Levites – Bruce Harvey
Altar Guild – Carla Cates
Audio/Visual – Steve McCulloch

Connecting people with God and one another is central to who we are. Connect is all about the discipleship life of the church.

Jan Stoltz, Chair
Children – Michelle Kobi
Youth – Christina Hester and Melissa Johnson
Young Professionals – Catherine Evans
Senior Adults – Tom Cherry and Betty Cherry

We serve one another in the body of Christ. The serve team works to make sure that everyone is included and looked after in the life of our church.

Eloise Sheats, Chair
Events – Sharon Albrecht
Visitation – Betty Obremski and Betty Jo Dickinson
Care – Debi Wolford and Karen Dunlap

Macedonia seeks to extend its reach far beyond the doors of the church building. Go is the area responsible for local, national, and international missions.

Co-Chair – Mary Margaret Eckhardt
Co-Chair – Cathy Powell
Habitat for Humanity – Steve McCulloch
Food Pantry – Susan Kinsey
Swift Creek Elementary School – Eloise Sheats
United Women in Faith – Eloise Sheats and Debi Wolford

Other Teams

The ministry of The Connection Hub team is developing what ministry will occur and grow in the Jones Franklin Rd. side of the church building. Building a co-working space for non-profits and even entrepreneurs seeking to do good in our community is an exciting way to expand our mission of working together to connect isolated people with God’s family.

Christina Hester (Lay Leader)
Joe Budd (Trustee Rep)
Mary Johnson
Mary Margaret Eckhardt
Kevin Johnson, Pastor
Clark Rinehart (Community Rep)
Karen Morant (Community Rep)

The ONE Wake Core team is connecting the needs and concerns of our community with the community organizing group of ONE Wake. ONE Wake is a non-partisan, multi-racial, multi-issue group of religious congregations, associations, and other non-profits in the Wake County area with membership totaling in excess of 50,000 households.

Kevin Johnson, Pastor
Grace Strucko
Steve McCulloch
Lynn McCulloch
Evelyn Caldwell
Susan Kinsey
Eloise Sheats
Hannah Gant
Emma Moore
Nick Kinsey
Mary Margaret Eckhardt (GO Co-Chair)
Cathy Powell (GO Co-Chair)

Macedonia has an over $1 million Endowment that this committee is responsible for stewarding. The Committee determines how the money is invested and also encourages new growth to the Endowment through planned giving.

Zach Moore, Finance Chair
Kelly Dixon (2024)
Colin Holway (2025)
Susan Kinsey, Trustee Chair
Christina Hester, Lay Leader
Lynn McCulloch, Council Chair
Kevin Johnson, Pastor (ex-officio)